Friday, April 5, 2013

Life Lately!

What's that? You thought we fell off the face of the earth? Well that's probably because we kind of did. The month of March always has been and probably always will be one of the busiest months out of the year. In fact, I seem to remember writing a very similar post this time last year saying the exact same thing. But it's definitely always a good crazy. We packed this last month in with everything from weddings to family birthdays to Easter to... buying a house! Yes I did say we bought (are still in the process of buying) a house --------> !!!!! More on that later, as of course that will require a post (or one million posts) all on it's own. For now please enjoy this random smorgasbord (spell check helped me out with that one) of photos documenting this last crazy but oh-so-fun month of ours.

I mentioned we attending some weddings, but did I mention it was TWO weddings in ONE day? So much fun. Good friends of ours from church tied the knot as well as a dear old friend of mine I've known since the middle school years!

Along with buying a house comes buying a new couch... right? We've spent some time couch shopping and while we have yet to find THE couch we're having a lot of fun in the process. We also took a day trip up north to Prescott with my entire extended family to spend some time going through my great grandparents house and dividing up old treasures and memorable finds between all of us. We had SO much fun spending time with everyone and enjoying the beautiful snow!

Along with celebrating Joel's brother, mother, sister, and brother-in-law I also celebrated my mom's birthday! (yes, that's 5 family birthdays all in one month) We organized a quaint little ladie's breakfast at The Farm at South Mountain for my mom's birthday and had a great time sitting beneath the trees and the gorgeous weather. In the middle of all this we also had rehearsals for the Passion Play at church going on many nights of the week which required a lot of late nights being away from home. But we love being a part of activities at church and have such close relationships there that it hardly felt like a sacrifice of time. This was Joel's first time being a part of the Passion Play, he got roped into being a disciple  loved it : )

Finally this brings us to the last weekend of March... Easter Weekend! We had a great time celebrating Jesus with our families. Joel's sister hosted a lovely Easter brunch for all of us at her house on Saturday, we love watching our niece and nephews enjoy the holidays. Then on Easter Sunday we went to church and headed over to our family friend's the Mitchell's house for lunch. All in all Easter weekend was a great time of reflecting on Christ's death and resurrection, and remembering that it is ONLY because of Him that we get to experience the blessings of things like family and friends! Which Joel and I are truly blessed with both.

Needless to say March was a wonderful month, extremely busy but incredibly fun!

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