Monday, January 30, 2012

Why the Change?

As you can see, we've changed our blog to! (spread the word) Why the change, you ask? Well... we just like it. All the years we've dated and even now that we're married I often refer to Joel as "Henderson" and will often say "Hey, Henderson..." when I ask something or if I need to make sure he knows I'm SERIOUS : ) I think it's got a rather good ring to it... and we recently named our internet HeyHenderson so we figured it's only fitting to re-title the blog as well, right? By the way we're not sold on the header yet so send some feedback my way.

Anyway, with the change of the new blog along comes the change of the blogs content and meaning. Yes of course we still want to use it to document about our life (not only for you but also for us to look back on one day) but I'd like to broaden the focus to more than just about our personal life. I have a vision to: dig deeper into projects and creativity in every day life, write about/discuss a wider range of topics with a wider range audience, document the newlywed nesting process, and of course still maintain that personal vibe we've got goin' on here.

So feel free to send a comment our way and let us know if you're still with us. We're excited to follow this new adventure of being newlyweds with a new adventure of blogging, and hoping you're come along for the ride!

1 comment:

Aunt Kathi said...

I'm still with you! I do not have any suggestions for the header but I do like the fact that I don't have to scroll down to see if there's been an update. LOVE YOU!!!