+No more driving up & down, up & down that mountain
+I can focus more on things I want to focus on without school getting in the way
+I get to live in my favorite city full time
+It means we're that much closer to getting married (3 weeks from today!)
+I have a degree that I am passionate about and will use toward a career
But along with the many benefits of this milestone also come a few hard "cons":
-Leaving the relationships and community I have grown to love and cherish
-My "college experience" is completely done and I had one chance to make it what I wanted (I think I did a pretty good job though)
-Flagstaff really is a great place, and I will miss it.
So overall this milestone is celebrated rather than mourned, even with the few hard parts about it I can still look back with confidence knowing that I made these past 3.5 years worth it and truly enjoyed every second of what has led me here. I know my life from here on out will look drastically different, and I am welcoming that change with open arms. I am so excited to be beginning this new part of the journey with the strong, supportive, and Godly man I love by my side. And I am so thankful for the love & support my family & friends have given me that has also helped shape me into the student I have been for so long and now the career woman, friend, daughter, and spouse I will be.
PS: All I have to say is get ready for this blog to BLOW UP. Our home is already absolute perfection, even though it's only about 25% done, and you better believe I am going to be posting every 2 seconds about what's going on over there. And of course since there have been so many elements of the wedding I haven't wanted to give away, I will be posting a lot about that after it all comes to a close.
Well THANK GOD, because I have anxiously been awaiting the "blowing up" of this blog (and your photography blog) since you've been finishing school. I mean - congrats to them - but I am sick of seeing "John and Candace = engaged" and am very ready for some frequent updates of your astounding creativity!!! Props for graduating yesterday, it was awesome to see you get your degree! XOXO
I'm a random reader fan of your blog and I had to laugh when I just read that you never have to take a test again...cause I'm also a college graduate and I have spent my whole weekend helping my sixth grader study for major finals and I feel like I'm taking the test myself! So...that whole schooling thing might not quite feel over when the kids come along...but anyway, Congrats on your graduation! That's great. Looking forward to further blog posts!
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