Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas Wrapping: 2011

You all know how obsessed I am with wrapping presents, and how I enjoy making them special and unique by using recycled or found materials I already have lying around the house. This year I decided to use all of the red & green fabric I had lying around for all of the bows and ribbons. (here's last years wrap choice) And of course using recycled postal paper as the wrap is always the way I go.

I love the mixing & matching of all the different red & green fabrics and I love that they are all just leftovers and scraps from various projects. It's my personal opinion that there's really no need to ever buy new wrapping materials if you just save and re-use things you already have... even newspapers and old greeting cards make for great wrap or gift tags. Another firm wrapping belief I have is that if you have a box with a lid that sticks out, always always take the time to wrap the lid & box separately. Not only does adding that extra touch always makes the gift look a little better and classic but it lets the recipient know you took a little extra time for them : )

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