Thursday, April 10, 2014

You can take the rock out of the ocean...

... And you CAN take the ocean out of the rock.

We found this heart shaped rock while walking on Laguna Beach on our anniversary. We decided to bring it home with us but a few days later the strong ocean smell wasn't going away, so it sat in a plastic bag for a while. Then I attempted "washing" it with soap and water- but still, nothing. That's when I remembered one of the many interesting coffee facts Joel has shared with me, it's a natural deodorizer! We sealed it up in a bag of coffee overnight and woke up the next morning and the smell was much much better, another day or so in the bag and we'd be ocean free. Sure enough the next morning I opened it up, rinsed it off, and wa-la! We now have a scent-free, heart shaped.... Rock? Paperweight? Whatever it is it's a little keepsake from our anniversary trip that is fun to have around.

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