Thursday, August 11, 2011

Hamilton Henderson

Meet Hamilton.

J & I adopted him last night from a lovely little family we found on Craigslist. After months of searching for the perfect antique Hamilton print drawer, I finally laid eyes on this bad boy and knew it was the one. Back in the day Hamilton print drawers were used to organize woodtype letters for printing, they were kept in cabinets like this one. Letters that looked like this of all different shapes and sizes were kept in their individual cubbies neatly within each drawer. NOW, much to Mr. J. Edward Hamiltons dismay, the drawers can be used as beautiful and unique artwork <------- which is what WE plan to use ours for. Sorry, no woodtype press in operation over here.

I must say that it feels as though Hamilton Henderson was totally meant to be. Not only is that just an awesome name (we're considering it for our actual first born) but throughout my search I was this close to buying some different drawers from eBay and another Craigslist seller that were 1. not as cool/big and 2. way more expensive! So to find Ham for just $25 AND to find him with all of this character (blueish grey distressed paint, authentic drawer handle, variation in cubby size) was nothing short of divine. So divine that at one point on the way home Joel caught me staring at it in the back seat... I just wanted to study it, alright!

NOW the fun of filling this piece begins! We're so excited to begin collecting little treasures to fill some of these cubbies. Of course not EVERY cubby is intended to be filled, but we've got some great ideas as to what could go in some of the little spaces and I'm sure we'll continue to find ideas almost everywhere we go! We are so excited to ultimately be left with a piece that is totally unique and custom to US, that we have collected together. Stay tuned as we begin finding lots of new additions for Ham!


Jaimie D said...

PLEASE name your first born son Hamilton. Please please please. I love it!!!

janae said...

I do love the name Hamilton. And I love love love this great find!

Deborah said...

What a great find, Steph!! I love Hamilton! I love pieces like this. I've been on a mission to find a library catalog that I have a vision for.