But I am officially here to tell you that I have officially quit blog stalking. Now before you start hatin', read on. This was a personal decision that I made for myself. Is it the right one for everyone? No. Am I SAYING it's the right one for everyone? No. But the two main reasons that I discuss below eventually became enough to push me over the edge with the whole blogging world and what it has become...
1. Too consumed with other peoples lives: It's easy to read a blog and become so wrapped up with what other people are doing, the way other people are living their life, the way other people do things. What about how YOU are living life? Because it's also very easy to begin questioning or doubting what you are doing, the way you are living your life, or the way you do things when you're constantly comparing your life to theirs. For some reason we get this idea in our head that because they simply write about it well, or post good pictures, that they're "doing it right". And this makes zero sense! There is really no way to "do it right", life is different for everyone. I believe it is harmful and destructive to begin focussing on this and to be so easily influenced by what we see posted on someone's blog.
2. A Hindrance of Original Creativity: This one especially rings true for photography, decorating, and wedding blogs. Which might I add were among my favorite categories of blogs to stalk : ) Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with finding inspiration or ideas from blogs or other peoples brilliant work. But when their ideas and their homes, photos, or weddings become your obsession it strips so much away from your own. You may not realize it but you're actually taking away from your own potential creativity. This is especially true if you're an artist yourself. I used to find myself constantly looking at others blogs and comparing my work to theirs. Eventually I just had to stop. Also with the whole wedding blog thing... again, totally understand that there is a HUGE resource of ideas to be shared and appreciated, no argument there. But I don't want my wedding to look like theirs. I don't want my ideas to come from them. On January 8th I want to proudly look back on our wedding day and see it as a total and complete reflection of us, not anyone else. So I decided that the only way to ensure this is to stop looking at all of the wedding blogs, and let me tell you friends, how liberating this has been! I can honestly say that every special idea we've come up with for our wedding thus far is completely ours, and that is a good feeling.
So, you may be yelling at me through your computer screen saying "But Steph, YOU HAVE A BLOG!" So what does this mean for the blogger? A question I've been wrestling with as I've had these thoughts is "I wonder why people read my blog?" Because surely now that I have this whole new outlook on the blogging world I wouldn't want the people who find themselves checking my blog to be experiencing any of the above things mentioned. I don't have either of my blogs so that people will look at my life and compare it to their own. And when I post my ideas, art, projects, decorating, etc. it is never my intention for others to skip out on their own. And I really hope that is NOT the case. But it definitely changes the way I write and what I post, and causes me to evaluate why I am doing it.
So if you're a blog stalker or maybe just a blogger, and can identify with any of this, maybe take a step back to identify 1. why you blog and 2. why you blog stalk. I can honestly say that giving up this habit of mine really has helped me re-establish my own creativity, focus on living the best life that I (me and only me) can live, and care less about how my life compares to others. What are your thoughts on this? Bloggers, blog stalkers, faithful readers, friends, family, people I don't even know... I want to hear what you think about all this!
Blast, I'm stalking yours now. In my defense though, yours is my top blog and honestly one of few. And you inspire my creativity more than hinder it.
Ah, I need your strength. I too am guilty of blog stalking :( I am trying to quit as the blogs I am looking at haven't been updated in months, but yet I still read over articles posted! Way to go, and congrats!
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