Wednesday, March 23, 2011

He knows me...

... and I've got to be THE weirdest person to know so that's sayin' something.

Joel constantly impresses and surprises me by how well he knows me. Not just the way I act or what I like to eat, but the littlest things that he knows I will appreciate or understand... the simple forgotten details of life that he knows I crave. Last week while we were waiting for our regular table at Oreganos (and when I say 'regular table' I mean it, we literally have a regular table at our regular Oreganos) Joel reached into his pocket and said "Oh, I forgot I brought you something." He pulled out this:

I asked him what it was and he told me to look through the ends of them...

So I did and I immediately started cracking up. Inside of these kaleidoscope type things are the sweetest most hilarious pictures of little Joel in preschool or kindergarten or something, and when you hold them up to the light they magnify/illuminate!!?! I did my best to get a good snapshot of the tiny picture inside but here is the best I could do:

I.was.dying. Not only were these the cutest/funniest things I'd ever seen... but the fact that he brought them because he knew I'd love them. And I do! This boy has won my heart.

I love that he knows I'd rather get random stuff like this any day over flowers or big fancy dates out. Nope just give me my boy, my Oreganos, and presents like these and I'm good.


Natalie said...

and it looks like you can put them on your keychain and carry them with you always? amazing! :) love you two! glad he makes my best friend so happy!

Unknown said...

I've got to ask...I can't help myself...did you park in your "regular" spot? :-)

Love you! Love this gift! He really does get you and your family loves him for it!

Deborah said...

This is too cute. As is your vision. I've always heard you had your wedding all laid out and that people stole your ideas! But I know you'll pull off the most beautiful vision.

Love these two posts and all the other new shoots too.