Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Cards... kind of a big deal.

As a graphic designer I'd say yeah, Christmas cards tend to be a bit important to me. For as long as I can remember I have LOVED getting them in the mail and opening them up to examine pictures, design, paper thickness, envelopes... basically I evaluate each and every detail of Christmas cards. I just love seeing what each family chooses each year and also paying attention to what appear to be the popular card designs from places like Shutterfly or Tinyprints.

My family and I have had this tradition where we get the cards in the mail and choose favorites (sorry if this offends you but yes, we choose favorites) based on 3 categories... 1. Photo Choice 2. Design Choice and 3. Best Overall Card. This is serious business. The results change daily as the cards pour in through the mail until after Christmas when a winner is determined.

Now part of this silly little tradition means displaying the cards to be looked at throughout the month, and through the years my mom has come up with some rather creative ways of doing so. This is something I'd like to also do in our home as we start getting Christmas cards from family and friends. This year I decided to string them across our kitchen window overlooking into the living room (where I often hang banners) using a red & green pom pom garland I made earlier in the month. The garland was intended for something else but sort of went south but it worked PERFECTLY for hanging the Christmas cards this year. The pom poms were the perfect touch in between all the cards.
Loved getting our own cards this year and seeing all the beautiful faces of our family and friends.

And of course LOVED sending out our own simple Christmas cards this year. With a pic on the front...
...and a verse on the back.

Merry Christmas to all!

1 comment:

Jaimie D said...

Christmas cards are the best! We loved yours. I sent ours to your parents because I didn't have your address! Hope you got it!