Monday, October 17, 2011

For Hamilton

Lately I've been feeling a little guilty about neglecting our boy Hamilton. I justify not filling it by saying that we don't have a place to hang it yet BUT that doesn't mean we can't begin collecting little pieces here and there, right? I decided to start doing some research for a few of the ideas J & I have already come up with so I won't forget. So far we know two things we for SURE want in there (see below): 1. A vintage letter press H and 2. king & queen chess pieces, preferably cool/unique ones. I found both of these items on Etsy but I'm having a hard time paying what they're asking for them and accepting the fact that they wont be cool things we just stumbled upon but rather we just bought them from Etsy, lame. But it's still helpful to gather inspiration. For example, I don't think we'll be paying $30 for the yellow king & queen chess pieces BUT we might just find our own cheaper pieces and paint them ourselves.

Another idea we had when we were walking around a Savers one night was a mini hour glass... we found one on the shelf but it was just a little too big for what we're looking for. If you look at the original pictures of Ham toward the bottom right there's a tall skinny space where we think an hour glass would fit perfectly. So we're still on the look out for one of these, again hoping to just stumble upon one somewhere. If not, trusty Amazon has lots of cool options like this one.

I also would like to dry out and save Joels boutonniere from the wedding to put somewhere in there? Other ideas include random ordinary keys that are significant to something in our life, a vintage spoon from my grandmas house, a ceramic deer figurine for my dad & Papa Ron, and lots and lots of other random things we can get our parents and grandparents to give us : ) ideas, ideas, ideas... we shall see.