Look what I sent the lovely ladies in my life!
You know you're a graphic designer when this is how you ask people to be in your wedding right? I know I'm ridiculous. But this project definitely satisfied the urge I've had to make wedding related decisions. I finally feel like I accomplished something!
If you're a bride (or soon to be bride) out there and would like me to email you this to print I'd be glad to! Let me know in a comment or shoot me an email : )
Jamie, Natalie, Kristin & Melissa will be the four ladies standing up next to me when I marry Joel. I didn't want to just ask them any ole way. I wanted them to hear my heart behind asking, and in a fun way of course! So I sent them these postcards that I made.
You know you're a graphic designer when this is how you ask people to be in your wedding right? I know I'm ridiculous. But this project definitely satisfied the urge I've had to make wedding related decisions. I finally feel like I accomplished something!
If you're a bride (or soon to be bride) out there and would like me to email you this to print I'd be glad to! Let me know in a comment or shoot me an email : )
I love it! You covered it all in this adorable little postcard. Great job steph!
love this! soooooo cute
hey there! My name is Madison and I randomly came across your blog, and this is probably the cutest thing ever! I am also a bride to be and would love it if you could email me this! mkalkwar at email.arizona.edu
thank youuu!
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